Monday 24 December 2018

Germany, love of my life!

Image result for BrahmsGermany has history, wars, walls, Hitler, we can say that this city had have a big impact in the world.  But what you do not know about this is that it was very important for the birth of classical music. Great composers and interpreters were born in this country. Ludwig Van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Felix Mendelssohn, among other great musicians of the history were born and studied in Germany. Today, respected schools of older music exist in Germany, and one of my dreams is studying music in someone of these schools.
Among others things that i find interesting, is his architecture, the culture, beer of course, and his location. Germany is in the center of Europe, if u live there and u´re bored , u can take a train and travel to where if u want, all is close. 
I invite you to know about Germany, I swear that u will not bored!
Image result for germany

Wednesday 5 December 2018

English in my university!

Image result for blogspotWhen i was in my first year (in my university is called " año mechón ") i had a english completely different from the one taught today. The name of my professor is Claudio Telha, and he taught us scientific English, where we learned about materials of the laboratory, papers and scientific publications, human body parts, food, etc. Today im studying "english IV" and is very different. In the lessons of the Wednesday we have to do blogs about different topics, and the Fridays we learn about pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and varied funny games.
I think that work in blogs is very different to the other activities that i´ve had in my English lessons. It is funny for me, because sometimes i can write about nice things like movies, music, anime, tv and series, but other times i have to work in bored things like masters and PhD. 
My problem with the language is mainly the pronunciation and to talk with people, this is due to that i have not English speaking friends to practice. 
Mostly i use English for listening music, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, Glee, Dua Lipa. As you will notice, i like different musical styles. Homework!, i hate it. My teachers of physiopathology always give us a paper to read in home, relationshipped with scientific subjects. Too i watch series in English, and sometimes i use it to talk with "gringos" that coming to Chile for vacations.

Anyway, I need to practice a lot of english, so I will be nice to answer you.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Hello everyone!

The career of chemistry and pharmacy have different subjects relationshipped with the sciencie physical chemistry and the biology. In the first years of the university the student have to study a lot of chemstry, between them, organic chemistry, general chemistry, techniques of chemical laboratory, and the physics as mechanics, electromagnetism and physcal chemistry. 
The career last 5 and a half years, and in the middle, the subjects as anatomy, physiology and bace of the pharmaceutical physic begin to appear. Already in recent years we find matters like toxicology, pharmacology, pharmaceutical technology and clinical pharmacy. As you saw, the career is a mixture of many things, this is due to the broad labor field. I think that the time that we learn basics sciencie could reduce and increase the hour of professional development.

The workload is high, you will have to study too much especially in the last years. But, at the time, you will have a different spaces to study, as the library, "anexo" that is a old piece of the library and the students can eat, to rest, to study, and three laboratories of computer and other small spaces for u study. The students of this facultity believe that the spaces are few for the universe complete of the student, so, in a future the number of buildings could be increased

The use of the biotechnology in the career is high. Basically relates to innovation and development of new pharmaceutical products, but the computer programs and the measuring equipment become obsolete over time, so the university is always changing the machines.

Image result for biotechnology

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Chilean TV and other histories.

Hello world!

Today im going to talk about anime, TV series and cartoons that was very important in my life. Really, i loved, i cried, i screamed and i grown up with the anime Dragon ball Z. When i was a kid, my dad took me to the movies store´s close to my house and the most of time i choose different episodes of the anime Dragon ball, i could see them over and over agin without boring me.
Grey´s Anatomy is a serie that i knew watching netflix. Im in loved of Meredith Grey, the main actress, because i think that she have a big transformation about her personality, which changes all the concept of the serie, and season to season makes more instersting. A cartoons that i will never forgot, is "31 minutos", because all the episodes was very funny, the music was excelent, i had all the disc in my house with the best singles, among them "Severla", "Tangananica, Tanganana", "Mi equilibrio espiritual", "Lala", etc.

Image result for 31 minutos I'm never home for work, study, sports so the possibility that i can see a serie or watch tv is minimun, also im not a big fan of be sitting for a long time, im more of outdoor activities but, im really like to read even though, prefer shorts book than extensive books.

The comics and the mangas were not a big impact in my life, i never read, and also they are not my favorities hobbies, but nevertheless, cartoons and anime were very important in my life, especially when i my infance. A serie thatn i remember with love is "los venegas". When the family was in home, the tea after lunch always acomppanied with "Los venegas", i think that is classic of all chilean families.

Image result for los venegas

With my roomate and my friends all the time i talk with he about anime, tv series and cartoons, but is not a good topic to talk with the teachers and adults, because they dont understand me the most of time.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Post graduate studies

When i incoming to the career of Chemical and Pharmacy at the University of Chile, i always wanted to work in something that helped to the people with the different chronic diseases that the population suffers. For complete my dreams, i need to enter a master or Ph.D. program, because there i will learn how make chemical and biological drugs, what would work as new therapeutic strategies. 
I´ld to study subjects like biochemistry and macromolecular function, molecular biology and advanced genomic, clinic pharmacology and pharmacology advanced molecular, because all are related with synthesis and develop of drugs. 
Image result for university oxford
I want to study in some place of speak english, because so much of the works related to science and health are in english or chinese. I think that England, United States or Australia maybe a great place to study, but just half-time at the university because i will need time for work and earn money, so I can enjoy the city, culture, music, theater, opera, pubs, etc. I hope that the university that i'm going to study has more improvement programs and a lot of subjects related with others areas like art, music, cinema, language, sports,  etc. I'm sure of that this will be a big step for complete my dreams and it will be very comfortant and funny.

Image result for university harvard