Hello world!
Today im going to talk about anime, TV series and cartoons that was very important in my life. Really, i loved, i cried, i screamed and i grown up with the anime Dragon ball Z. When i was a kid, my dad took me to the movies store´s close to my house and the most of time i choose different episodes of the anime Dragon ball, i could see them over and over agin without boring me.
Grey´s Anatomy is a serie that i knew watching netflix. Im in loved of Meredith Grey, the main actress, because i think that she have a big transformation about her personality, which changes all the concept of the serie, and season to season makes more instersting. A cartoons that i will never forgot, is "31 minutos", because all the episodes was very funny, the music was excelent, i had all the disc in my house with the best singles, among them "Severla", "Tangananica, Tanganana", "Mi equilibrio espiritual", "Lala", etc.

I'm never home for work, study, sports so the possibility that i can see a serie or watch tv is minimun, also im not a big fan of be sitting for a long time, im more of outdoor activities but, im really like to read even though, prefer shorts book than extensive books.
The comics and the mangas were not a big impact in my life, i never read, and also they are not my favorities hobbies, but nevertheless, cartoons and anime were very important in my life, especially when i my infance. A serie thatn i remember with love is "los venegas". When the family was in home, the tea after lunch always acomppanied with "Los venegas", i think that is classic of all chilean families.
With my roomate and my friends all the time i talk with he about anime, tv series and cartoons, but is not a good topic to talk with the teachers and adults, because they dont understand me the most of time.