Monday 24 December 2018

Germany, love of my life!

Image result for BrahmsGermany has history, wars, walls, Hitler, we can say that this city had have a big impact in the world.  But what you do not know about this is that it was very important for the birth of classical music. Great composers and interpreters were born in this country. Ludwig Van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Felix Mendelssohn, among other great musicians of the history were born and studied in Germany. Today, respected schools of older music exist in Germany, and one of my dreams is studying music in someone of these schools.
Among others things that i find interesting, is his architecture, the culture, beer of course, and his location. Germany is in the center of Europe, if u live there and u´re bored , u can take a train and travel to where if u want, all is close. 
I invite you to know about Germany, I swear that u will not bored!
Image result for germany

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