Wednesday, 16 January 2019

What is ethically correct TODAY?

People say: "I disagree with immigration", or "yes, i agree with the legalizing marijuana" or " i disagree with the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases" but... what is ethically correct today?. 
Image result for inmigrantesDay to day, you see a lot of foreign people walking the streets, talking with other people, working in fast food places, coffees, restaurants. Have you called to MXVIXXAR or other company for fix a problem via telephone?, the possibility that answer a person of Spain, Venezuela, Colombia, Perú, is big. 

Image result for marihuanaAlways we are in contact with differents cultures, habits and ways of living, but, before of think "aghh, damn foreigner, go to your country", have you thought why he is here?... the truth is that he is just like me. Maybe he is here because looking for new opportunities, new adventures, maybe his dream was to live here, in our country. I hope that in the future, we are able to look over our needs and open the doors of our country and heart to all the people think to come to here, maybe a nice place to live.

Is very difficult  to talk about subjects that are very controversial as marijuana o abortion , because the oppinies are very varied, but there is something that you never have to lost, the respect with your brother. Always keeping respect you can understand the opposite opinion, not necessary to share, but that will make a conversation more friendly and controlled. 
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Music to safe my life 

Have you ever thought be a rockstar?. All the we are exposed to different music styles, rock, pop, country, classic music, metal, anyway, there are many types for all tastes. 

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Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires
In a future, i see me singin in a big scenery as a theater interpreting different authors of classical music, Puccini, Ravel, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Brahms and other great music. I would like to work with a company of ophera that could to travel to differents theater in the world, theater

 Colon in Buenos Aires, theater La Venice in Venecia, theater La Scala in Milán, sounds good no?.

The salary in the music is not good, but i hope to work hard and  be rewarded for life and monetarily as well. In Chile, people think that if you study music, you will be a "muerto de hambre" or starving, but the true is that always is lucky or contacts.

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In the future, first, I'm going to take a singing lessons and the next step will be enter the singing career, maybe in Argentina or here, but always thinking out, in other countries.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Dogs are man's best friend

Image result for dogsWell, it's obvious. Dogs have necessary everything to be man's best friend. They are big, small, strong, cute, ugly, fast, fun, they are all that u can imagine !.
When i was kid i had a dog, his name was "Ricky" (i loved to say "Ricky ricón" because "ricón" is more that cute hehe). My dad took Ricky of the street, when he was a stray dog ​​litlle, technically was a baby without mother :(. 
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I like the pets because they make us more responsible. Take care of an animal is not anything, they need protection, love, food, someone that clean his bodies and wastes. Basically, they are like babies that u have to hug.

 I prefer big dogs because i like to do sports, and im always thinking that a dog can can do exercise with me, for expample, run for the mornings, up the hill, or other outdoor activities.

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Anyway, have a pet is not be alone, is be campaign.

Tell me about yours pets in my comments!
Silvio Rodriguez is my shepherd.

Image result for silvio rodriguez wikipediaHe is widely considered Cuba's best folk singer and arguably one of Latin America's greatest singer-songwriters. Known for his intellectual, highly eloquent and symbolic lyrics, his songs are iconic elements of Latin American left-leaning intellectual culture. Many of his songs have become classics in Latin American music, such as "Ojalá", "Playa Girón", "Unicornio" and "La maza". He has released over 20 albums. 

A couple of months ago, Silvio Rodriguez come to Chile and he was in the "movistar arena" playing with his band. Silvio is musician a Cuban musician, and leader of the new trova movement.
Be in the concert, was amazing!. I was exicted in all the time and when he played "te amaré", i just wanted to cry. Silvio love Chile for a political reason, and always enjoy his concerts here. I enjoyed so much, because the lyrics of their songs is only poetry and nothing talk so cute in these days. 
A song that u should to listen is " un unicornio azul" or "la maza" and u are going to understand me jijijijiij.