Tuesday 15 January 2019

Dogs are man's best friend

Image result for dogsWell, it's obvious. Dogs have necessary everything to be man's best friend. They are big, small, strong, cute, ugly, fast, fun, they are all that u can imagine !.
When i was kid i had a dog, his name was "Ricky" (i loved to say "Ricky ricón" because "ricón" is more that cute hehe). My dad took Ricky of the street, when he was a stray dog ​​litlle, technically was a baby without mother :(. 
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I like the pets because they make us more responsible. Take care of an animal is not anything, they need protection, love, food, someone that clean his bodies and wastes. Basically, they are like babies that u have to hug.

 I prefer big dogs because i like to do sports, and im always thinking that a dog can can do exercise with me, for expample, run for the mornings, up the hill, or other outdoor activities.

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Anyway, have a pet is not be alone, is be campaign.

Tell me about yours pets in my comments!

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